March 21, 2024

A new mom holds and looks at her newborn baby during an in home newborn photo session in San Diego.

“Thank you so much!! I love them!! They turned out so great!” -Brianna This lifestyle newborn photography session with Brianna and Michael turned so out beautifully. And Ava, their sweet dog: she was so concerned every time their baby made a noise or cried – it was incredibly sweet. See below for all the highlights […]

February 12, 2023

Mother holding newborn baby girl during a San Diego in-home newborn photo session by Love Michelle Photography

Congratulations! You’ll be bringing a new baby home soon (or maybe you already have), and you’d like to document this sweet & fleeting time with professional photographs. But perhaps you’re stuck on deciding between the two main styles of newborn photography: traditional studio posed photography (think wrapped babies and froggy poses), and in-home lifestyle photography. Let […]

January 18, 2023

Mom sitting in a chair holding new newborn baby during a San Diego in-home lifestyle newborn photo session by Love Michelle Photography

Congratulations on your sweet new baby! You’re now settled back in at home and your in-home newborn session is on the calendar. But since it’s still early, you and your baby’s schedule is still a bit unpredictable, and your energy level isn’t up to cleaning the house, preparing the perfect outfits, and putting on a […]