July 26, 2023

Should You Hire a Travel Photographer for Your Family Vacation?

I say yes!

Not convinced? 😆

Here are 3 benefits of hiring a travel photographer for your family vacation:

1. You get to hand pick the photographer you like the most, and aren’t limited by who’s in the area you’re vacationing in.

If your vacation spot is in some far-flung location, away from a major city, your options for quality family photographers will likely be very limited.

Alternatively, if you choose to hire a vacation family photographer instead, your options increase exponentially. As long as they travel, you could pick a photographer whose work you love from almost anywhere in the world!

2) You’ll get to capture beautiful family photographs in a stunning place.

No need to choose from a location in your hometown, where your options for a beautiful setting may be limited, or overused.

Instead, capture your family someplace breathtaking. Make your friends jealous. 😉

3) Your family is on vacation, so the photographs will be that much more relaxed and happy.

One big secret to beautiful lifestyle photographs is genuine relaxation and closeness.

What better time for those feelings to come through than on vacation?

When you’re genuinely relaxed and having a good time together, that will come through in your photographs, making them that much happier and more meaningful.



Some considerations for hiring a family photographer for your family vacation

Not all family photographers are available to travel, so keep that in mind while searching. Likely, their website will mention that they travel or are available worldwide. If it doesn’t, just reach out and ask.

Keep in mind as well that different photographers charge different travel fees. Some charge for their travel time on top of travel and lodging expenses, while others charge for only their expenses (like me).



If you love the warm, connected, and emotive beauty of these photographs, see my session and pricing details here, and contact me here to discuss booking your own vacation photographs (yes, I travel!).



