August 28, 2024

Why I Will Always Give a Military Discount | San Diego Military Family Photographer


Marine Corp mom sitting in San Diego field kissing baby during family photo session
Photos by Love Michelle Photography

As a San Diego maternity, newborn, and family photographer, I”m smack dab in the middle of a large military community and have had the honor and pleasure of photographing many military families.

Sadly, I’ve also lost a few repeat clients due to new orders sending them away from San Diego, but such is military life.

I value these families and their service so much, which is why they’ll never pay full price.

I’ve had only a small glimpse, but here’s what I’ve seen of military life:

The extended separations.

The uncertainty over how long you’ll be able to call a place “home.”

The inability to put down roots.

The constant goodbyes.

The repeated readjustments when mom or dad leave or come back home.

The ever-present awareness of what the next phone call might bring.

The stories from my mother-in-law about raising three boys, mostly alone, while my father-in-law served three tours of duty, in action, in Vietnam.

Her hair-raising story of the chaplain who came knocking on her door one day, only to realize he had the wrong address. Her weeping when he left, not just out of relief, but for the woman at the correct address.

Vietnam era Distinguished Flying Cross pilot Marine Corp pilot in uniform. Amos David Thompson


And moms, even when you’re not the active military member, you sacrifice just as much, if not more.

It’s just a small way of saying thank you.

Because you do it all for the rest of us. ❤️





  1. […] always a sucker for military families (your can read why here), but this session was extra, as it was yet another reminder of the intangible, priceless gift of […]