January 7, 2021

Yellowstone National Park Family Photos

As a lifestyle photographer in San Diego, the overwhelming majority of my sessions take place in San Diego. This year, I had the fun of traveling to Idaho and Wyoming for sessions – Wyoming, as in Yellowstone National Park!

Yellowstone National Park Family Photos | San Diego Family Photographer

It was as cold as it looks, hovering right around 30 degrees, and I figured I’d have 15 minutes to hustle everyone around before we headed back to the cars.

Unbelievably, despite being terribly under dressed for the conditions, everyone got into the session and we ended up staying out for 45 minutes! I loved what good sports the kids were about the cold – this was just mom’s idea, after all.

Enjoy the results of their session below, and if you’ve ever wondered if you should hire a photographer for your next family vacation, I’ve written all about that here.


